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Creators Club

Do you like to share your AWS learnings with the community and get recognised? Be it memes, blogs, technical videos, Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts or Social media posts, do submit us and win amazing swags as contributor! 

Grow Your Vision

Welcome visitors to your site with a short, engaging introduction. 

Double click to edit and add your own text.

What's in it for you

Knowledge Sharing

Win Digital Badges

Win AWS Credits

Creators Club Guidelines

Membership Requirement

Join the Creators Club by becoming a member of the AWS User Group Madurai. If you're not already a member, sign up here.

Submission Process

Submit your content through our designated submission form. Please ensure all information provided is accurate and complete. Submissions should be made between the 1st and last day of each month.

Public Forum

All submissions must be made publicly under your own account. Once approved, we may collaborate and share your content on our social media platforms for promotional purposes, giving you full credit as the creator.


Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. Your submissions must be original and not infringe on the intellectual property rights of others. Proper credit should be given where necessary.

Content Approval

We reserve the right to approve or reject submissions based on alignment with our group's goals and values. Inappropriate, offensive, or unrelated content may be rejected.

Rights and Ownership

You retain full ownership of your content and ideas. By submitting to the Creators Club, you grant us the right to use, modify, and distribute your content for promotional purposes, with appropriate credit given to you as the creator.


Earn points based on the type and success of your submissions. Our leaderboard is updated monthly to showcase our top contributors.

By participating in the Creators Club, you agree to abide by these rules and any decisions made by AWS User Group Madurai regarding the scoring and approval of submissions. Happy creating!

Creators Club Leaderboard

Contribute and climb your way to the top of leaderboard!

Top Contributor
Cloud Operations
Sumbul Naqvi
Dev Tools
Front-End Web & Mobile
Game Tech
Graviton Arm
Machine Learning
Gowtham CP
Networking & Content Delivery
Asma Akram
Security & Identity
Asma Akram
Jones Zachariah Noel
Asma Akram
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